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发表于 2005-4-3 21:59:21
来自 中国–北京–北京
Release V1.1.0b (3rd April 2005)
Added Quake style sounds “Headshot”, “Multikill” etc
Added sound pack to the main zip file.
Converted goodluck.wav to goodluck.mp3
Converted waitingforsuspect.wav to waitingforsuspect.mp3
Added sounds/quake/ directory including quake sounds.
Updated .res files to reflect above changes (you must change yours to get the sounds to work)
New CVars
// **********************************************
// **********************************************
// New for V1.1.0b
// **********************************************
mani_quake_sounds 0 // Turn on quake style sounds 1 = on, 0 = off
mani_quake_kill_streak_mode 0 // Reset kill streak 1 = per round/death, 0 = per death only
mani_quake_humiliation_mode 1 // 0 = off, 1 = all players hear it, 2 = players involved hear it, 3 = attacker hears it, 4 = victim hears it
mani_quake_humiliation_visual_mode 1 // 0 = off, 1 = all players see it, 2 = players involved see it, 3 = attacker sees it, 4 = victim sees it
mani_quake_humiliation_weapon "knife" // Weapon name that triggers the humiliation sound
mani_quake_firstblood_mode 1 // 0 = off, 1 = all players hear it, 2 = players involved hear it, 3 = attacker hears it, 4 = victim hears it
mani_quake_firstblood_visual_mode 1 // 0 = off, 1 = all players see it, 2 = players involved see it, 3 = attacker sees it, 4 = victim sees it
mani_quake_firstblood_reset_per_round 1 // CSS Only, 1 = reset per round, 0 = per map
mani_quake_headshot_mode 3 // 0 = off, 1 = all players hear it, 2 = players involved hear it, 3 = attacker hears it, 4 = victim hears it
mani_quake_headshot_visual_mode 3 // 0 = off, 1 = all players see it, 2 = players involved see it, 3 = attacker sees it, 4 = victim sees it
mani_quake_prepare_to_fight_mode 1 // 0 = off, 1 = on
mani_quake_prepare_to_fight_visual_mode 1 // 0 = off, 1 = on
mani_quake_multi_kill_mode 1 // 0 = off, 1 = all players hear it, 2 = players involved hear it, 3 = attacker hears it, 4 = victim hears it
mani_quake_multi_kill_visual_mode 1 // 0 = off, 1 = all players see it, 2 = players involved see it, 3 = attacker sees it, 4 = victim sees it
mani_quake_dominating_mode 3 // 0 = off, 1 = all players hear it, 2 = players involved hear it, 3 = attacker hears it, 4 = victim hears it
mani_quake_dominating_visual_mode 3 // 0 = off, 1 = all players see it, 2 = players involved see it, 3 = attacker sees it, 4 = victim sees it
mani_quake_dominating_trigger_count 4 // Kills streak required to trigger sound
mani_quake_rampage_mode 1 // 0 = off, 1 = all players hear it, 2 = players involved hear it, 3 = attacker hears it, 4 = victim hears it
mani_quake_rampage_visual_mode 1 // 0 = off, 1 = all players see it, 2 = players involved see it, 3 = attacker sees it, 4 = victim sees it
mani_quake_rampage_trigger_count 6 // Kills streak required to trigger sound
mani_quake_killing_spree_mode 3 // 0 = off, 1 = all players hear it, 2 = players involved hear it, 3 = attacker hears it, 4 = victim hears it
mani_quake_killing_spree_visual_mode 3 // 0 = off, 1 = all players see it, 2 = players involved see it, 3 = attacker sees it, 4 = victim sees it
mani_quake_killing_spree_trigger_count 8 // Kills streak required to trigger sound
mani_quake_monster_kill_mode 3 // 0 = off, 1 = all players hear it, 2 = players involved hear it, 3 = attacker hears it, 4 = victim hears it
mani_quake_monster_kill_visual_mode 3 // 0 = off, 1 = all players see it, 2 = players involved see it, 3 = attacker sees it, 4 = victim sees it
mani_quake_monster_kill_trigger_count 10 // Kills streak required to trigger sound
mani_quake_unstoppable_mode 1 // 0 = off, 1 = all players hear it, 2 = players involved hear it, 3 = attacker hears it, 4 = victim hears it
mani_quake_unstoppable_visual_mode 1 // 0 = off, 1 = all players see it, 2 = players involved see it, 3 = attacker sees it, 4 = victim sees it
mani_quake_unstoppable_trigger_count 12 // Kills streak required to trigger sound
mani_quake_ultra_kill_mode 1 // 0 = off, 1 = all players hear it, 2 = players involved hear it, 3 = attacker hears it, 4 = victim hears it
mani_quake_ultra_kill_visual_mode 1 // 0 = off, 1 = all players see it, 2 = players involved see it, 3 = attacker sees it, 4 = victim sees it
mani_quake_ultra_kill_trigger_count 14 // Kills streak required to trigger sound
mani_quake_god_like_mode 1 // 0 = off, 1 = all players hear it, 2 = players involved hear it, 3 = attacker hears it, 4 = victim hears it
mani_quake_god_like_visual_mode 1 // 0 = off, 1 = all players see it, 2 = players involved see it, 3 = attacker sees it, 4 = victim sees it
mani_quake_god_like_trigger_count 16 // Kills streak required to trigger sound
mani_quake_wicked_sick_mode 1 // 0 = off, 1 = all players hear it, 2 = players involved hear it, 3 = attacker hears it, 4 = victim hears it
mani_quake_wicked_sick_visual_mode 1 // 0 = off, 1 = all players see it, 2 = players involved see it, 3 = attacker sees it, 4 = victim sees it
mani_quake_wicked_sick_trigger_count 18 // Kills streak required to trigger sound
mani_quake_ludicrous_kill_mode 1 // 0 = off, 1 = all players hear it, 2 = players involved hear it, 3 = attacker hears it, 4 = victim hears it
mani_quake_ludicrous_kill_visual_mode 1 // 0 = off, 1 = all players see it, 2 = players involved see it, 3 = attacker sees it, 4 = victim sees it
mani_quake_ludicrous_kill_trigger_count 20 // Kills streak required to trigger sound
mani_quake_holy_$$$$_mode 1 // 0 = off, 1 = all players hear it, 2 = players involved hear it, 3 = attacker hears it, 4 = victim hears it
mani_quake_holy_$$$$_visual_mode 1 // 0 = off, 1 = all players see it, 2 = players involved see it, 3 = attacker sees it, 4 = victim sees it
mani_quake_holy_$$$$_trigger_count 24 // Kills streak required to trigger sound
New language translation in english.cfg (THIS IS ESSENTIAL OR THE PLUGIN WILL NOT LOAD)
// **********************************************
// New in V1.1.0b Quake Sounds
// **********************************************
00800;;Prepare To Fight !!
00801;%s;%s got firstblood !
00802;%s%s;%s humiliated by %s
00803;%s;%s multikill !!
00804;%s;%s is dominating !!
00805;%s;%s rampage !!
00806;%s;%s is on a killing spree !
00807;%s;%s monster kill !!
00808;%s;%s is unstoppable
00809;%s;%s ultrakill !!
00810;%s;%s is god like !!
00811;%s;%s is wicked sick !!
00812;%s;%s ludicrous kills !!!
00813;%s;HOLY $$$$ %s !!!
00814;%s;%s headshot !!
Files changed from V1.1.0a
Sounds are now included in the download file.
Download Link
If you have any variant of V1.0.10 use the patch file here to update your files. This is not a patch for previous versions (V1.0.9 etc), use the full installation if you are on V1.0.9a or below.
Please note the new language directory and make sure you copy the files there or the plugin will not load.
Patch File
Patch version CS Source
Full version CS Source
Patch version HL2 Deathmatch
Full version HL2 Deathmatch
Mani |